Monthly Revenue


Year 2024 Monthly Revenue

Consolidated Monthly Revenue     (Unit: NT$ thousand)
Month Amount Increase (Decrease) amount Increase (Decrease) percentage
Year 2024 Year 2023
Jan. 156,669 90,674 65,995 72.78
Feb. 105,312 51,681 53,631 103.77
Mar. 122,124 111,617 10,507 9.41
Apr. 99,814 151,212 (51,398) (33.99)
May 126,064 155,084 (29,020) (18.71)
Jun. 95,146 144,623 (49,477) (34.21)
Jul. 113,171 91,382 21,789 23.84
Aug. 142,762 154,729 (11,967) (7.73)
Sept. 84,391 150,541 (66,150) (43.94)
Total 1,045,452 1,101,543 (56,091) (5.09)


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