Monthly Revenue


Year 2013 Monthly Revenue

Consolidated Monthly Revenue     (Unit: NT$ thousand)
Month Amount Increase (Decrease) amount Increase (Decrease) percentage
Year 2013 Year 2012
Jan. 172,296 121,162 51,134  42.20 
Feb. 110,892 96,070 14,822  15.43 
Mar. 157,087 147,584 9,503  6.44 
Apr. 145,508 124,924 20,584  16.48 
May 174,839 137,660 37,179  27.01
Jun. 144,998 103,449 41,549  40.16 
Jul. 156,372 140,346 16,026  11.42 
Aug. 168,314 147,180 21,134 14.36 
Sept. 216,645 70,112 146,533  209.00 
Oct. 202,754 153,235 49,519  32.32 
Nov.  159,330 106,620 52,710  49.44 
Dec.  144,097 131,299 12,798  9.75 
Total 1,953,132 1,479,641 473,491  32.00 


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