Monthly Revenue


Year 2015 Monthly Revenue

Consolidated Monthly Revenue     (Unit: NT$ thousand)
Month Amount Increase (Decrease) amount Increase (Decrease) percentage
Year 2015 Year 2014
Jan.  275,229 202,717 72,512  35.77
Feb.  207,310 143,623 63,687 44.34
Mar. 200,435 178,626 21,809 12.21
Apr. 183,144 278,363 (95,219) (34.21)
May 274,293 234,976 39,317 16.73
Jun. 253,454 256,198 (2,744) (1.07)
Jul. 267,901 280,426 (12,525) (4.47)
Aug. 242,264  224,630  17,634  7.85
Sept. 238,769 163,777 74,992 45.79
Oct. 224,377 152,242 72,135 47.38
Nov. 168,031 191,064  (23,033)  (12.06)
Dec. 221,186 196,744  24,442  12.42
Total 2,756,395  2,503,387 253,008 10.11


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